Plastics scrap: “Silver linings in the grey clouds” for plastics
| Although volumes, prices and confidence are all down, BIR Plastics Committee Chairman Surendra Patawari Borad of Belgium-based Gemini Corporation NV still spied “some silver linings in the grey clouds” for plastics recyclers.
German WEEE comes into force for PV
| German WEEE law ElektroG came into force on October 24, bringing PV modules under the scope of mandatory Producer responsibility.
Metals “perfectly suited” for the Circular Economy” says European industry
| The combined European metals industry today demonstrated their support for the upcoming Circular Economy Package through a common position paper. In Boosting the Circular Management of Metals, the metals sector highlights how it looks forward to an ambitious Circular Economy Package supporting growth, innovation, competitiveness and jobs.
Petcore Europe Conference 2015 in Brussels
| On 24 November 2015, the annual Petcore Europe Conference will take place in Brussels. The conference brings together more than 100 experts and leaders from the whole PET value chain in Europe and beyond as well as representatives from the European institutions. This year, the conference will focus on the four key aspects Sustainability, Circular Economy, Innovation and Globalisation.
Industry leaders to speak out against PV waste free-riders
| Trina Solar, SunPower, Solar Frontier, JinkoSolar, Conergy, aleo solar and Producer compliance and waste management scheme PV Cycle have expressed their concern about companies’ negligence to comply with legal requirements of EU-wide WEEE legislations.
New campaign on ship recycling
| The NGO Shipbreaking Platform strongly welcomes IndustriALL's "Campaign to clean up Shipbreaking - the world's most dangerous Job".
PV cycle joins cross-sectorial monitoring council in The Netherlands
| PV cycle has announced to have joined the Dutch Monitoring Council as one of the founding members. With the goal of ensuring that the WEEE targets are met, the Monitoring Council plays a pivotal role in defining procedures and standards for high-efficiency collection and recycling in The Netherlands.
Fair competition on global and on EU level is key for a sustainable EU...
| Eurofer files formal complaint against state aid for Europe’s largest steel plant and demands a more effective EU trade defence policy.
Major strides in e-scrap handling over the last decade
| Volumes of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) are rising rapidly - especially in emerging countries - and yet “there is not really a level playing field” when it comes to treatment standards, it was alleged at the latest BIR E-Scrap Committee meeting by Volker Pawlitzki, Senior Vice President of the Recycling/Precious Metals Business Unit of major Germany-based refiner Aurubis.
Paper Industry will not give up on end-of-waste
| “Hurdles to free trade are detrimental to economic growth and also to our companies,” declared BIR Paper Division President Reinhold Schmidt of Germany-based Recycling Karla Schmidt in opening the latest meeting, held on June 3 in Miami.